Daily Announcements:
Trinity Lutheran High School
Daily Announcements
February 18, 2025
“A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.” (John 13:34-35)
Weekly Prayers: Mr. Seavers, Mrs. Stuckwisch, Tatum and Blaine Wehmiller, Bella Wehmiller, Marley and Emmy Warren, Liza Vaughn, Enola Vandercar and Ezra VanCuren
Lunch Clean-Up: Will Gausmann, Dane and Kade Gillaspy, Drake Goodpaster, Emalee Goss, Bella Griner, Will Hackman, Alana Jo Hammett, Blayklee Hancock and Autumn Hanners
Happy Birthday
FFA Week Dress: Tuesday: Drive a Tractor to School day! (Red vs. Green); Wednesday: Trinity Wear or Chapel Dress; Thursday: Country; Friday: Camo
Track: The first *In Season* track practice is Tuesday February 18th at 4:30. Meet in the cafeteria. We’ll finish at 5:30.
Breakfast: The After Prom committee will be serving breakfast in the commons on Friday, February 21st from 7:30 a.m.-8:10 a.m. Menu items include biscuits and gravy, cinnamon rolls, milk and juice. Please sign up in the office by the end of the day on Wednesday, February 19th. All proceeds will benefit the After Prom.
**SAT for Juniors on March 7** Juniors: On Friday, March 7, all Juniors will be taking the SAT test at Trinity. This is a state requirement and there is no cost to families. Please note that although this day is designated as a Cougar Day, Juniors are required to arrive at the regular time for the test, which will begin at 8:20 AM. If you have any questions, please speak to Mr. Downey.
Math Tutoring: Peer tutoring for Math will be available daily during study halls in the resource area. All students are welcome. After School Math Help will be available on Wednesdays as needed.
Lunches: Pizza on Thursdays, no order - buy at lunch