Student Life » Daily Announcements:

Daily Announcements:

Trinity Lutheran High School

Daily Announcements

May 22, 2024


“I appeal to you, brothers and sisters, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that all of you agree with one another in what you say and that there be no divisions among you, but that you be perfectly united in mind and thought.”

(1 Corinthians 1:10)


Weekly Prayers: Mr. and Mrs. Vorthmann, Miss Whipker, Enola Vandercar, Liza Vaughn, Allison Ward, Emmy and Marley Warren, Blaine Wehmiller, Jules Wessel, Brooklyn Whipker, Delaney Williams, Hannah Williams, Craig Wischmeier, Justice Young and Kiley Zabel       Keep in your prayers:  Jack Emkes (3 yr. old great nephew of Jana Gray) who is undergoing chemo for cancer

Lunch Clean-Up: Kendall Bode, Chase Bode, Ava Blomenberg, Bridget Bingham, Saul Becerril, Bryson Baker, Lucas Auffenberg, Samantha Ansara, Carter Adler, Maddie Adams, Rylan Adair and Evan Abbott


Happy Birthday to Nathan Finke, Bridget Bingham, Mr. Downey, Kaylie Burns, Cadin Gruenwald, and Logan Schepman who celebrate their birthdays during May.


Choir, Band, Applied Music will all sing/play at Graduation on Saturday May 25, 2024 at 10:00 A.M. Commencement Service. (Be there by 9:30 A.M., dressed in Chapel clothes)


Pizza:  Students will need to sign up in the office if they would like pizza for lunch on Thursday, May 23.